Therefore, in English coccygodynia has the nickname 'television bottom' or 'television butt'. Even prolonged sitting on softer surfaces (such as a sofa) can cause coccyx pain for some people.Or complicated deliveries, irritations in the area of the muscle attachments or tendons on the bone (tendopathies), tumors in the area of the coccyx or congenital coccyx anomalies are also known causes. Bruises or fractures cause severe pain, which is felt especially when sitting, climbing stairs, having a bowel movement and even during sexual intercourse.The most common causes of coccyx pain (coccygodynia) If the bone substance in this area has suffered (for example, in osteoporosis), coccyx fractures can also occur. However, a certain fatigue or permanent one-sided load can also cause the end of the spine to break. From bruises to a coccyx fracture, a lot can happen in this region. In fact, coccyx pain is predominantly the result of falls on the buttocks - for example, from falling in sports accidents. That's because finding the cause is actually not as easy as patients - and doctors - would like." They run from doctor to doctor without getting any real help or an accurate diagnosis. The patients who come to our international spine clinic in Berlin often have a years-long odyssey behind them. Even when those affected complain of pain - usually traumatically triggered complex complaints - and impairments in everyday life. Munther Sabarini: "Coccygodynia is often not taken seriously as a disease. Beware of coccyx pain! If you don't seek help from a specialist, you can expect coccygodynia to become chronic.ĭr. But no matter what the reason, sufferers are usually unable to sit for days, weeks, sometimes even months without suffering. They are triggered by the fact that the nerve plexus in the tissue at the lower sacrum and coccyx is affected. In addition, attack-like nerve pain may occur. The trigger for this condition is either inflammation of the periosteum or inflammation of the tissue at the coccyx. Coccystitis, for which there are usually two causes, develops in the vascular fold running between the coccyx and the anus. Such complaints also often occur after inflammation of the periosteum. Climbing stairs and having a bowel movement, even sexual intercourse are often painful. The pain may occur right away when sitting, only after sitting for a longer period of time, or even when standing up. The biggest problem: Patients suffering from coccygodynia usually cannot sit on hard surfaces for long periods of time, and do so poorly. It is also possible for the pain to spread to other regions such as the hip, lumbar and anal areas.

The typical symptom is a stabbing, burning pain in the tailbone area. With pain in the coccyx, this is different. Not all diseases and illnesses have typical symptoms that provide decisive clues to the problem.

For years after a fall, you remember where you were when the pain went through your whole body - stabbing, pulling, painful. Injuries to the coccyx are not only painful, but also long lasting. When sitting, x-rays have shown that the coccyx can have forward and backward mobility of up to 20 degrees. When walking or standing, the coccyx does not move. Developmentally, the tailbone is the regressed part of the caudal skeleton that is close to the body. Like the tibia, the coccyx is surrounded only by a thin, delicate periosteum that offers little protection. It may be small, but it can have a big impact on our well-being. The coccyx is one of several switching points of the complete body statics. As the lowest point of the spine, the coccyx serves as the attachment point for the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the pelvis. The two to five bone segments that make up the tailbone are usually firmly attached to each other, forming a triangular bone. Sports accidents also cause coccygodynia all the time. It doesn't matter if it's on wet fall leaves, icy sidewalks or slippery stair landings. So most people really don't become aware of the coccyx until they have fallen on it once and suffer pain in the tailbone. Coccyx pain, also called coccygodynia, is often a result of falling on the buttocks.